Friday, December 26, 2014

Prempeh College Old Boys Fired Up For Transformation -1987/89 Group At The Forefront

Prempeh College as an educational institution which was established in 1949 is a product of a fruitful collaboration between the Kumasi Traditional Council, the Presbyterian and Methodist churches in the then Gold Coast and the Colonial Central Government.
Various year groups have made a concerted effort to identify and support various projects on the campus. In recent times alumni contribution was mobilized to construct a new dormitory to make room for the increasing student population.
The 1987/89 group spread over the world has established an online network and plans are in place to renovate the school pantry to make it a state of the art facility.
Contributions are being solicited from each member of the group and they are contributing willingly for this project . An account has been opened at the Ecobank, Harper Road in Kumasi where funds are being channeled to .
The members are therefore using this medium to call on all 87/89 year group graduated to support this project.
The Account number for donations is 0213074487345401 Swift code ECOCGHAC

George Bright-Abu

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